“Providing multiple avenues through which one can upskill boosts morale”

Sridhar Ranganathan, managing director, Allergan India on five non-monetary ways to motivate your sales team

Published 6 years ago on Jan 18, 2019 1 minute Read
RA Chandroo

Peer recognition: Acknowledging employee efforts in front of their peers and the overall organisation really pays off. Taking time to understand the challenges that the employee overcame while performing a task and addressing them, further adds that personal touch.

Proactive development: Encourage employees to attend seminars and workshops. Employees feel good about self-development initiatives, knowing the company cares about skill enhancement. Providing multiple avenues through which one can upskill and progress to the next level boosts morale.  

Consistent motivation: Small tokens like certificates, a handwritten note from the CEO or just a box of chocolates for employees who achieve 100% and above of Q1 target sets the tone for the remaining quarters. Continued recognition motivates the entire team. 

Invest in brand building: Companies with strong brands bestow a sense of pride. A high recall brand adds value as the sales team gets first preference in meetings, on-time payments and acknowledgement from customers. Pride powers belonging. 

Engage high potential talent: Disproportionate focus on achievers is crucial. The sales team should get the opportunity to interact with leadership at the highest level and also cross-functional projects spanning geographies. Spending enough time with front runners ensures that leaders stay in touch with ground reality.