"High-potential employees should be encouraged to think beyond their job roles"

Jeremy Hunter, president, Henkel India on fostering innovation among employees

Published 9 years ago on Nov 09, 2015 1 minute Read
Soumik Kar

Establish a performance culture: We have made innovation the core principle of our working culture. Driving change and innovation is an important aspect of performance and potential assessment of employees. High potential employees should be identified, encouraged and mentored through various initiatives to think beyond their job roles.

Innovate for the market: Employees should be encouraged to work closely with customers to understand specific issues and what they view as critical challenges for future growth. This approach empowers employees to develop new technologies that anticipate future needs of the company and leverage technical competencies across the organisation.

Develop people: The focus should be on developing a culture of excellence and leadership by establishing a culture of lifelong learning. Transfer through exchange and experience, such as learning from peers or senior mentors and working on high impact business projects should be encouraged.

Encourage employees to collaborate:  Connect employees to their counterparts at other locations. Social networking platforms enable employees to create or join groups related to their interests, get connected to experts, and most importantly exchange knowledge and experience.

Provide feedback: It’s imperative to communicate that an idea or improvement suggestion is valued. The key focus areas of idea management should be: supporting employee driven innovation, motivating employees to go the extra mile and encouragement through incentives.