"Establish a Work Culture that Encourages Risk-Taking and Mistakes"

Debjani Ghosh, MD, South Asia, Intel on five ways to foster an entrepreneurial culture

Published 8 years ago on Nov 24, 2016 1 minute Read

Hire for resilience: Hire individuals who are not afraid of failure and have bounced back from adversity. People who have fallen, but fallen forward and learned from their failure, are sterner — just what is needed to nurture innovation.

Know What Matters To Your User: Encourage your team to think through different prisms and bring new perspectives to the table by talking to the end-users. Ask them not what they like, but what they’d like to see differently in what you have to offer. There’s always a chance that something has been missed out, or can be improved upon. 

Balance short-term and long-term goals: I am a believer of long-term goals, but I also know that short-term milestones are as relevant. Know how closely your short-term goals are related to your long-term ones, because at the end of the day, the pieces will make the whole. Learn to strike a balance between both. 

Keep the Feedback Coming: It’s important to carve out time where you can brainstorm with your peers and team up to understand what is working well and what isn’t. Be open about giving and receiving honest and constructive criticism because your end-goals are interlinked, if not the same. 

Celebrate failure: Reinvention and innovation are indispensable to any organisation that wants to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship and create disruptive solutions. Aspire to establish a work culture that encourages risk-taking and mistakes because the learning experience from those failures is invaluable.