Magic Book of Business

RS Sodhi | Amul | Stressbuster

The MD of GCMMF believes Mahabharata is a treasure chest of life as well as management lessons

Published 5 years ago on Jan 10, 2020 1 minute Read

A movie that inspires you?
Forty years ago, I’d say Manthan. But a more recent pick would be VikasBahl’s Super 30, based on a true story of grit.

...and a song?
Shree Guru Gobind Singh’s shabad holds a special place in my heart. I listen to the prayer every morning. “Deh shiva bar mohe eh-hey shubh karman te kabhu na tarun…” It is on having the courage to do what is right.

When anxiety sets in?
Deep breathing always keeps me from being impulsive. I also stick to what my senior A Padmabhan (then the distribution manager at IRMA) once told me: “If you ever get a message or a letter that infuriates you, or you are in a situation that goads you to react angrily, let the letter be or get away from the situation. After having thought through it thoroughly, come back and respond.”

Other ways to de-stress?
Binge watching movies and series, thanks to the new over-the-top (OTT) platforms.

Lowest point in your life? How did you deal with it?
My mother’s demise last year affected me deeply. She was my anchor. But we have to move past grief, and I did that by remembering that she had lived a happy and contented life.

An anecdote or lesson you’d like to share?
I have learnt a lot from my mother – the greatest influence in my life. She taught me the values enshrined in shabad (a prayer) and this keeps me going even today. A couple of years ago, my company was going through a tough time and we had to fight a strong but corrupt superior. It was a long struggle but we ultimately emerged victorious, and managed to oust him. Virtue and fearlessness that my mother inspired in me saw me through this.

Any quote or saying that inspires you?
Mahabharata is a gold mine of life and management lessons. I closely follow one of its teachings: “Karm kiye jaa, fal ki chinta mat kar..” If something is meant to come to you, it will.