Magic Book of Business

Mark Kahn | Omnivore | Stressbuster

When anxiety sets in, music brings instant relief to Omnivore’s managing partner

Published 5 years ago on Jan 10, 2020 1 minute Read

A movie that inspires you…
The Shawshank Redemption for its lessons on endurance, salvation and friendship.

...and a song?
Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, which I sang to my baby daughter as a lullaby. It continues to be "our song" even though she's a teenager today.  

When anxiety sets in?
I go see some live music — it never fails to relax me. A glass of Calvados, my favourite tipple doesn't hurt either.  

Lowest point in your life? How did you deal with it?
Almost failing to raise funds for Omnivore back in 2011-12. I worked seven days a week and got us to a first close in April 2012.