Five tips for better time management

Religare’s Sachindra Nath’s tips on time management

Delegate: It’s difficult to believe that things can work without you. We often do not manage our time well due to our over-involvement in everything around us. So, to manage time better, you have to set the agenda but, at times, let others execute it, too. 

Prioritise: Among 10 equally important things, a few always need immediate attention. Time is a constraint for all and it’s important to prioritise. Unless you have a priority list for the year, a daily priority list is impossible to make. 

Solutions: Manage your meetings effectively by laying the rule that people have to come up with solutions for every problem they have and come up with at least three alternative solutions for every problem. This will bring focus. You can help teams choose their solutions rather than debate with them. It also fosters strategic thinking and builds effective and empowered teams.

Human touch: In this over-connected world, surely you wake up to ‘5 new messages’ and ‘29 unread emails’ on your hand-held device rather than to your morning tea. Motivate your co-workers to talk to you rather than communicate only over emails. Use emails only to record what has been already agreed upon, and not to reach an agreement. Do not let the digital world take precedence over human connect.  

Family first: Forgetting that we are only human, we attempt tirelessly to ‘finish’ work. How can you possibly negotiate a term sheet or come up with a ‘winning strategy’ when your child’s PTA requires your presence or there is a cousin’s  engagement that you ‘have’ to go to? It’s important for effective managers to prioritise and balance well between home and work. This is more easily said than done but don’t carry your home to work, or your work home.