‘Online Learning Will Become Default Option In Higher Education’

Arjun Mohan, CEO – India, upGrad, on five ways in which edtech is impacting India’s education system

Published 3 years ago on Jan 01, 2022 1 minute Read

1 Helps it stay relevant:

The 97 million new jobs projected to be created by 2025 in the global workforce will require very different skills from those we use today. This makes it critical for the system to move on from the traditional linear learning model to a lifelong learning model aided by new-age pedagogies. This will help address the challenge of redundancy in an environment where digital transformation is making reskilling and upskilling critical for career survival.

2 Puts focus on technology:

The technology environment is undergoing a rapid change and along with that, learning mechanics are also evolving. Tech-enabled anytime and anywhere online learning has led to multiple segments emerging in edtech. Modern exam monitoring systems such as the dual-proctoring approach are emerging to support a fair grading system.  

3 More than just K-12:

Going beyond K-12 (kindergarten to 12th grade), online learning today encompasses higher education, hobby learning and more. Recognition of the value of online learning has led to it becoming mainstream. New immersive technologies using gamification, AR and VR are providing opportunities to gain new skills while being interactive. We are approaching a time when online learning will become a default option in higher education.

4 Freedom from the four walls:

New models such as blended education that are versatile and flexible while being cost-effective will come into play. By combining traditional learning values with digital media, blended learning can be effective and offer the best of both worlds. Global universities are now accessible online. It will also allow access to the best of educational universities to learners from Tier-2, 3, 4 towns and rural areas.

5 Spotlight on coaching and mentoring:

In online education, coaching, guidance and mentoring is critical to maintaining the human touch. This also helps in assisting learners with the best professional guidance.