• specials 34 / Editor's Note

    Job Cut Out

    For over three decades, the world has painted India as a slumbering giant, poised to awaken and redefine global economic dynamics 

    June 01, 2024
  • specials 34 / Editor's Note

    The Next 100 Years

    The success of the media and entertainment industry lies in becoming dream machines that redefine pop culture. And there are no shortcuts to it 

    May 01, 2024
  • specials 34 / Editor's Note

    Narrative Management

    2024 is a crucial year for the world as more than 50 countries—close to half the global population—elect their next governments, which will have consequences for many years to come

    March 27, 2024
  • specials 34 / Editor's Note

    Morality Tale

    From poster boys of heady success in the start-up valley, Vijay Shekhar Sharma, Ashneer Grover and Byju Raveendran are the pinup boys of what disproportionate ambition could do to otherwise seemingly good men  

    March 01, 2024
  • specials 34 / Editor's Note

    An Indian Apartheid

    Ideals of the proletariat, their commune and a proletariat dictatorship lay fossilised as painful photos of scores of migrant labourers walking many hundred miles to reach the safety of their village hit headlines in India in the early days of the first wave of Covid-19 in 2020

    February 01, 2024
  • the big story 1 / Lead Story

    Tiger Tyagarajan: GenAI Is a Technology. Embrace It

    Presenting Tiger Tyagarajan, president and outgoing CEO, Genpact, in a passionate defence of the Indian IT sector as it braces itself for an epoch-changing tech disruption. He compares GenAI innovations to the invention of steam engine. Edited excerpts:

    January 01, 2024
  • the big story 1 / Lead Story

    Opinion Code

    Denouncing technology is not the answer to the challenges it poses 

    January 01, 2024
  • specials 34 / Editor's Note

    Be The Change

    Changemaker might be a cliched word in a world that is ruled by social media, where influencers are made and unmade every day. In this haze of stories, reels and posts, we sometimes forget to pause and look around to spot those people who work tirelessly to bring perceptible social change.  

    December 01, 2023
  • specials 34 / Editor's Note

    Red Oleander

    As we march ahead with young teams led mostly by women, we proudly present to you the Outlook Start-up Outperformers 2023. In a crowd of lists and ranks, this compilation of three rankings stands out by its sheer robustness, its eye to detail and the exhaustive parameters that will help you separate the chaff from the grain. 

    November 01, 2023
  • specials 34 / Editor's Note

    Be Over The Moon

    With Chandrayaan 3, India shed light on the darker side of moon in a televised landing, bringing back memories of the extravaganza around the exploits of Apollo 11 

    September 01, 2023
  • specials 34 / Editor's Note

    Legacy Of Free Thought

    Polarisation has also divided us into the camps of liberals and right-wingers. Caught in this tension between ideologies is the story of our intellectual degeneration 

    August 01, 2023
  • specials 34 / Editor's Note

    Irony in Letters

    Till there is no government-backed link between good behaviour and financial outperformance, ESG adoption risks being considered a box-ticking exercise 

    July 01, 2023
  • specials 34 / Editor's Note

    Withering Away...

    "Workers of the world, unite!” Thus proclaimed the Communist Manifesto in 1848, as Marx and Engels invoked a world order where workers would take over the machinery of capitalism. A dictatorship of the proletariat! 

    June 01, 2023
  • specials 34 / Editor's Note

    Non Binary

    History owes an apology to the members of this community and their families, for the delay in providing redressal for the ignominy and ostracism that they have suffered through the centuries,” wrote Indu Malhotra, a then sitting judge, as the Supreme Court decriminalised same-sex relationships in September 2018. 

    May 01, 2023