Fantasy esports start-up, Super4 said it expects to raise $6-10 million Series A investment round, set to be finalized by the end of March 24. The company added in its statement that the injection of capital signifies a pivotal juncture in Super4's journey, thrusting it into a position to redefine the fantasy gaming industry.
The company said that a cadre of distinguished Category A institutional investors, family offices, and a strategic lead are gearing up to contribute to this significant funding round, underscoring a resounding vote of confidence in Super4's visionary approach and untapped potential.
Speaking on the development, Rohit Bansal, chief managing director and founder of Super4, said, “The growth we've witnessed at Super4 has exceeded our wildest expectations. It's a testament to the dedication of our team and the market's embrace of our innovative approach to fantasy sports and sports commerce.”
Co-founder and COO Ankur Mudgill shared insights into operational refinements, stating, “This funding will be utilized to scale our upcoming platform and add more output to our content businesses, currently experiencing significant growth.”
CEO Arastu Thapar underlined the company's audacious ambition, stating, “Super4 is not just a brand; it's a movement towards transforming the fantasy gaming landscape. Our core team is tirelessly working to create India's first 360, all-in-one digital-first sports platform.”
Super4 provides a platform for gamers from every corner of India to connect, compete, and enjoy a seamless gaming experience. The user-friendly interface ensures effortless navigation, while robust security measures prioritise user safety and privacy.