Shilpa Shetty Kundra has launched her latest clothing venture, Zip Zap Zoop. Partnering up with Ashmika Sadh, who comes from a lineage of being a star exporter to several global brands with multiple awards and accolades from the Government Of India for her excellent work, together introducing a promising venture for kids.
Being a part of several ground-breaking projects, setting new records comes easy to Shilpa Shetty but with Zip Zap Zoop she aims to push the boundaries and redefine the kid’s clothing industry. Being a mother herself, she understands the increasing concern of new-age mothers for conscious clothing, which is not only fashionable but comfortable too, the company said in a press release.
”I have always wanted to understand the manufacturing process, whether the dyes are chemical free, the fabric is azo-free, friendly for kids as well environmentally sustainable,” said Shilpa.
Co-founder Ashmika Sadh who is an expert in the world of manufacturing and exports, makes Zip Zap Zoop a 100 per cent transparent brand, with 100 per cent quality control over the process of production. Everything is ethically sourced, because we don’t allow any compromises for the children.
Ashmika also adds, “We have introduced some special kinds of fabrics in our line of clothing which are extremely soft, comfortable and hypoallergenic, suitable for children who have sensitive skin allergies. As we move forward, we will share more about our processes.”
“We are proud to say that, to date, 80 per cent of the collection comprises sustainable fabrics like organic cotton and recycled polyester which have a lower environmental footprint and less wastage. Along with that, we have also employed over 100 workers directly and indirectly and aim to generate more employment opportunities in the coming years. We aim to have 1000 workers under the Zip Zap Zoop brand, she added.