Kanya Sumangala by Yogi Government: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has recently announced an increase in the amount of Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana. The government has increased the grant amount by Rs 10,000. The government had earlier fixed the grant amount in this scheme at Rs 15,000, which will increase to Rs 25,000 from the financial year 2024-25. Let us tell you that under this scheme, the government provides financial assistance from the birth of daughters till their graduation or diploma. This amount is available in installments. Now that the grant amount has increased, the installments of the scheme have also changed.
Uttar Pradesh government started this scheme from 1 April 2019. Those who wish to take advantage of this scheme have to apply online. The government wants to promote girls' education under this scheme and hence distributes funds in six phases. Under this process, the fixed amount of assistance is deposited directly into the bank account of the girls. The amount is given in six phases i.e. six installments.
How much money will you get?
According to the order of the UP government, the girl child included in the scheme used to get Rs 2,000 in the first installment, which has now increased to Rs 5,000. When the daughter turns 2 years old, she gets the second installment.
In this also the girl child will get a benefit of Rs 2,000. The government will give the third installment of Rs 3,000 after the daughter joins the first class.
After this, when the daughter enters class six, the government will give a benefit of Rs 3,000. The fifth installment will be available after the girl child's admission in class 9th. An amount of Rs 5,000 will be given to the daughter in the 5th installment. The sixth installment will be received when the girl child passes school.
After passing school, the government will get an amount of Rs 5,000. Rs 7,000 will be given to the daughter in the last installment.
The government has started this scheme to educate girl child and make them self-reliant. In this, the government bears the entire expense from the daughter's education to marriage.
To avail the benefits of this government scheme, the family must have permanent address proof of Uttar Pradesh. Ration card, Aadhar card, voter ID, electricity or phone bill will be valid. This assistance for girl children will be given only to those families whose annual income is up to or less than Rs 3 lakh. At most there will be only two girls, only then the family will get this help. Also, there should be only 2 children in the family, this is also a disqualification. If you have twin daughters, the third daughter will also get this benefit. Even if a child is adopted, she can be eligible for benefits.