8 Things To Evaluate Before Investing In Stock

Outlook Money

Evaluate Company

Evaluate the company's financials, performance and growth potential in the next 5-10 years or more before buying its stocks.

Financials and growth prospectives


Check the company's price-to-earnings ratio, price-to-book ratio, and the broader industry.

Company Value

Earnings Growth

Compare the company's earnings and performance with its peers.


Debt-To-Equity Ratio

Check the company's debt management, especially in a high-interest rate scenario, and the borrowing rate versus the market rate.

Debt v/s Equity

Cash Flow 

This reflects the company's health. Check if it reinvests for growth without external borrowings, a sign of long-term growth.

cash flow


Consistency in dividend payouts indicates cash flow generation.


Promoter/Institutional Holdings

Check the promoter's involvement in the business and the institutional investors' interest in the business and whether they are for the long-term.

Hedge fund

Profit Margins

It shows how the company is performing against its peers.

Profit Margins
Number of Tax Slabs